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Breast Lift Surgery

Breast lift surgery aims to get rid of the gravity-related sagging and emptiness..
Hospitalization Duration 1 day
Operation Time 2-4 Hours
Recovery Time 1-2 Weeks
Anesthesia General Anesthesia
Pain Duration minimal
Effect Duration Permanent
Op. Dr. Mahmut Muhsin Yılmaz

Breast Lift Surgery (Mastopexy)

Breast lift surgery aims to get rid of the gravity-related sagging and emptiness in the breasts and give them a younger appearance by reshaping them. During the surgery, the breast tissue is moved upwards and the excess skin is removed. If the breast tissue is insufficient, it is possible to perform breast augmentation with prostheses alongside this operation.

Why do breasts sag?

The shape and size of the breasts may change due to factors such as age, pregnancy, gravity, rapid weight gain and loss, and breastfeeding.

In which cases can breast lift surgeries be performed?

Patients over 18 who are bothered by their sagging breasts and have not any health problems preventing operations can make use of breast lift surgeries.

Where is the incision made in breast lift surgeries? Are they performed under general anesthesia?

Breast lift surgeries are performed under general anesthesia. There are a variety of methods to perform these surgeries. Breast lift 

surgeries compose of the following main steps: Removing the excess skin, fat, and breast tissues according to the shape determined during a prior examination where the patient is standing, reshaping the breast skin and mammary gland separately, and replacing the nipple and areola in their new anatomic places while preserving their senses and blood circulation. Based on the method used, these surgeries result in scars in different places. Breast lift surgeries can be performed with a vertical incision made from where the areola meets the skin to the inframammary fold or with an incision in the shape of an upside-down "T" spanning also the inframammary fold. The incision method depends on the severity and size of the sagging. The technique to be used is determined according to the size of the breasts and the characteristics of the skin and mammary gland. We will tell you which method is the most suitable one for you after your examination.

How long do these surgeries take? How long is the hospitalization after the surgery?

These surgeries take 2-4 hours on average; however, this varies from patient to patient. The patient can be discharged the next day. 

Do breast lift surgeries prevent breastfeeding?

Normally, breastfeeding requires functional breast tissues, sensitive nipples, and lactiferous ducts connected to the nipples. As long as these anatomic and physiologic features are not affected adversely during a surgical operation, there should not be any problem regarding breastfeeding.

What are the prices for breast lift surgery?

For information about the price and to schedule an appointment for breast lift surgery performed at our clinic, you can contact us at the phone number +90(544) 194 56 29.

Op. Dr. Mahmut Muhsin Yılmaz
Op. Dr. Mahmut Muhsin Yılmaz
Can respond within approximately 1 hour.
Op. Dr. Mahmut Muhsin Yılmaz
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